"Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" Hipocrates

Friday, June 26, 2015

Goldenberries could be helpful in the treatment of Alcoholism and Depression

“An `alcoholic’ is an individual with a sick body who seeks relief by consuming alcohol in the same way people seek help from aspirin, for their pain.”

Goldenberries have rightfully earn the term superfood; as described in our previous blog “Goldenberries; The Essential Multivitamin Supplement” this small yet powerful fruit contains high amounts of essential vitamins, including B-complex vitamins. Found very rarely in plant based foods.

B-complex vitamins  are of special importance, they are incredibl
y necessary for optimal mental well-being and functioning. Deficiencies in the body of these vitamins are often due to a poor diet and can interfere with the mental health of a person over time, causing depression, agitation, anxiety, and mental lethargy; in extreme cases leads to psychosis and dementia.

Deficiencies of vitamin B3 (Niacin) in particular has been scientifically linked to alcoholism, it is a water soluble nutrient, meaning that the body does not store it, needing to be replaced in the body every day, it’s more important tasks is to facilitates the processes involved in metabolizing fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. In the United States, alcoholism is the prime cause of vitamin B3 deficiency. Alcohol is often used as a way to cope up with depression witch actually worsen one’s situation, this is because alcohol destroys all the B vitamins in a person’s body.

The regular consumption of goldenberries balances the levels of sugar in the bloodstream see; “Can
goldenberries help you loose weight?, In the book “The Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism: Orthomolecular Treatment of Addictions” Dr. Abram Hoffer identified alcohol as a liquid sugar, just by looking at its chemical formula.

Hoffer believed that biochemical individuality and sugar cravings contribute to alcoholism especially if patients have low blood sugar or problems metabolizing alcohol. Researchers from the University of Mississippi Medical Center also preform vitamin therapy in an attempt to reduce anxiety and depression in alcoholics, they used the daily combination of 3 grams of vitamin C, 3 grams of
vitamin B3, 600 mg of vitamin B6, and 600 IU of vitamin E, all of witch are naturally present in
goldenberries. the vitamins did result in a significant drop in anxiety within three weeks of use, however, these patients were already alcoholics, meaning that for a regular person the intake should be lower. Hence deficiencies of B-complex vitamins contribute to mental disorders, and those can lead to more serious mental illnesses, it only makes sense to try to avoid it by inhering foods that are rich in these vitamins, however, not only drug addicts and alcoholics have trouble maintaining these vitamins at optimum levels, also the elderly, people with liver disease and people that follows a strict vegan diet are at risk of B-complex vitamins deficiencies. Fortunately anyone can benefit from these powerful substances by regularly eating goldenberries; and the best part is...they taste great!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Are Goldenberries beneficial for People with Cancer?

The DNA inside a cell is packaged into a large number of individual genes, each of which contains a set of instructions telling the cell what functions to perform, as well as how to grow and divide. Cancer is caused by errors in those instructions.

Cancer Cell
Most gene mutations aren't inherited; It has been estimated by the American Cancer Society, that as much as one-third of all cancer deaths in the United States are related to diet and activity factors, such as smoking, radiation, viruses, carcinogens chemicals, obesity, hormones, chronic inflammation and a lack of exercise. Most of these factors, as described in previous blogs can be easily prevented and regulated by the daily consumption of fruits such as goldenberries;

scientific research has shown that substances present in goldenberries have positive effect in curing various types of cancer.

Goldenberries contain a unique substance called Hydroxywithanolide E, a compound that research has shown to be very effective in preventing genetic mutations in the DNA of the cells in the lungs.

Hydroxywithanolide E’s ability to mitigate DNA damage currently has scientists looking to it as a natural chemotherapy agent for lung cancer and other types of cancer such as skin and colon cancer.

Hydroxywithanolide E
In an experiment documented in the book “Issues in Cancer Epidemiology and Research/2011 Edition”, the anti-hepatoma and anti-inflammatory effects of the goldenberry were also helpful in preventing the growth of cancer causing cells.

 Dr Abram Hoffer
Also,goldenberries contain high amounts of vitamin B3 (Niacin) and vitamin C, both substances had been extensively study and used by  Dr Abram Hoffer, head of psychiatry department at Regina General Hospital in Canada. He and his collages discovered that the administration of large oral doses of vitamin B3 along with vitamin C  effected a cure for cancer. He treated 134 patients with advanced stage cancer in his own private practice and conducted a study over a period of 12 years. Not surprisingly 33 of his patients who chose not to undertake his vitamin 'cancer treatment' program, have an average survival time of 5.7 months and the survival time of those who did follow his program was an average of 100 months.

Furthermore goldenberries promote good mental health, allowing us to want to be active, they inheast our body organs to optimal functionality, and they help our body release harmful toxins effectively and naturally. These studies although not supported by mainstream pharmaceutics are of extreme importance and represent a great leap in cancer care and treatment, because in essence, current chemotherapy drugs work by killing cancer cells and tumors faster than they kill the rest of the body,
therefore being very harmful for the patient’s overall health.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Can Goldenberries Help You Loose Weight?

Imagine a food, (not a drug), that’s powerful enough to activate positive mental and physical change in your body.... That’s right! Goldenberries.

Goldenberries can have a profound impact on lifestyle and holistic wellness; they posses nutrients that promote effective restoring and function of body organ systems, including the brain and endocrine systems; improvements in just those areas directly relate to mood and energy. Many people that regularly consume goldenberries report high increases in energy levels and mental functioning, experiencing a positive change in how they view their overall health, how they feel and how they function.
BUY Dried Goldenberries at Merit-Trade.com

The stress-reducing B-complex vitamins in goldenberries are key factors in helping you unlock the energy from the food you eat, turning every meal or snack into energy your body can use. Vitamin B1 supports the immune system, nervous system, and adrenal glands , the latter of which helps regulate cellular metabolism. The high levels of vitamin B12 also helps produce red blood cells and built muscle, making goldenberries an excellent natural source of energy. (See, Goldenberries; The Essential Multivitamin Supplement)

Goldenberries are rich in protein and fiber, both of which help slow the release of sugar into the blood stream, providing a steady supply of energy. Fiber is a nutrient that supports healthy digestion and cholesterol levels; it has been associated with weight control because it bulks up in your stomach and digests slowly, keeping you feeling full for longer. An ounce of goldenberries contains 3 grams of fiber.

Also a diet that is too high in sugar, increases the risk of weight gain; compared to other dried fruits, goldenberries are a great choice when it comes to sugar content because manufacturers don't add any extra sugar during processing. One ounce of goldenberries contain about 9 grams of natural sugar, very few calories, about 80 and zero grams of fat, allowing you to eat them like candy, without the guilt.

Goldenberries support both, body and mind. They and are readily available and very easy to incorporate to cereals, smoothies and trail mixes. Many people are turning to these sources of nutrition to correct health deficits and put their wellness back on track.

Goldenberry Cereal

The Renowned Dr. Oz  calls goldenberries “ The Belly  Blaster #1” and recommends snaking one-quarter cup of dry goldenberries daily.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Goldenberries Support Your Liver and Detox Your Body

A healthy liver means a healthy body. The liver helps to fight infections and cleanse the blood, it also helps digest food and store energy for when you need it. A healthy liver has the amazing ability to grow back, or regenerate when is damaged. 

Goldenberries help nourish and support the liver which in turn detoxifies our body. Aiding this organ is of a major importance because it gets rid of environmental and food based toxins we take into our system.

The anti-inflammatory properties of goldenberries play a very important role in the protection of  the
liver; since an inflamed liver may cause no discomfort at all; when liver inflammation is left untreated, it starts to scar. As excess scar tissue grows, it replaces healthy liver tissue, this process is called fibrosis. Scar tissue can’t be effective enough in removing toxins from the body as healthy liver tissue does, and can even keep blood from flowing through your liver.

The exact pathway of goldenberries’ liver benefits isn’t completely understood, however, one of the withanolides present in goldenberries called withagulatin A has been associated with a reduction in liver scarring and a reversal of liver degradation.

Furthermore, goldenberries are linked to optimal kidney health, helping to eliminate toxins by
stimulating urination and flushing out excess fats, salts, and toxins from the lymphatic system. Ancient Egyptians used goldenberries as a medicinal plant for treating kidney and urinary passages diseases and as  general fortifier of the human body.

It makes perfect sense to support an organ that is responsible for removing toxins from the body. A
healthy and functional liver reduces the toxic buildup in the cells of your body, making your skin look brighter, and the renewed breakdown of fat makes it easier for muscles to tone up. Eating goldenberries in the daily basis is an easy, and delicious way to continually detox your body, feel great, and look healthier.