"Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food" Hipocrates

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

5 Things You Need To Know About The Mighty Goldenberry

The mighty Goldenberry, how we like to call it here at Merit Trade LLC, is an ancient, delicious citrusy, tangy, flavorful and nutrient-rich fruit originally cultivated by the Incas. This berry, approximately the size of a marble is known by various names including Cape Gooseberry, Aztec berry, Poha berry, Harankash, or Physalis Peruviana (scientific name), however depending on where you live in the world you might know this fruit by a dozen-plus names. 

Although not very popular in the U.S;       Goldenberries are attracting more and more attention due to the desire of many people to become more conscious about their eating habits. Loaded with nutrients and antioxidants, Golden- berries consumption can significantly improve your overall health. There are endless reasons why people should become familiar with this exotic fruit, of course besides the obvious one, their incredible taste, which makes them a great addition to salads and cake crusts or a simple out of the bag healthy snack. Here are just five of the many health benefits related to Goldenberries that you want to know about.


Recently Goldenberries have been added to the list of superfoods. The term superfoods is given to an special category of foods found in nature. This foods are nutrient-rich and considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being. Some of this foods include avocado, kale, chia seeds, coconut and many more, They are superior sources of anti-oxidants and essential nutrients that are vital for our body but cannot make ourselves.

In addition to anti-oxidants and essential nutrients, Goldenberries are a great source of  complex B vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and B12).  These complex B vitamins help reducing stress, improve memory, reduce fatigue, spur metabolism, relieve PMS and reduce the risk of heart disease.  
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is also very prominent in goldenberries There is more vitamin C in this exotic fruit than in pears, pineapples, or plums, and only slightly less than citrus fruits. Almost 15% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C is present in a single serving of golden berries, this makes them a very important fruit for the immune system. Furthermore, vitamin C is a key component in the production of collagen, which is what the body needs to repair and produce cells, tissues, organs, and blood vessels.


The consumption of goldenberries is recommended for people who have a genetic or environmental predisposition towards developing cancer. The primary compound in golden berries that seems to do the healing are a group of naturally occurring steroidal lactones called withanolides. Considerable research shows that withanolides found in goldenberries have anticancer benefits, similar to the ginseng, an indian  plant categorized as an adaptogenic healing plant, because of its benefits to the endocrine system. Withanolides are quite rare, these are powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory unique organic compounds that can slow or even reverse the spread of cancerous cells throughout the body. though beating cancer with plants alone is controversial, those like goldenberries that contain withanolides can be useful in parallel therapy. 


As said before goldenberries are a great source of complex B vitamins. Vitamin B12 is of particular importance since it can be found naturally in a wide variety of animal foods, but is very hard to find in plant foods unless they are fortified, this is great news for people that follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. Goldenberries can also help people who have had gastrointestinal surgery, since they loose the ability to absorb vitamin B12. Low levels of B12 can cause anemia, loss of balance, numbness or tingling in the arms and legs and weakness. 


With only 53 calories per 100 grams, goldenberries are an excellent option for people trying to lose weight, their high antioxidant value and low sugar content can play a role in low calorie diets and products. The natural sugar content in golden berries is mainly sucrose and is very low in fructose allowing these tiny fruits to deliver a large percentage of your daily nutrients, yet they don’t contribute negative fats or calories to your overall intake, helping you keep weight loss goals on track.


Probably the most recognized health benefit of goldenberries is their  anti-inflammatory effects derived from their high antioxidant content. This antioxidants can prevent certain chronic diseases and if you suffer from arthritis, gout, muscle aches, chronic pain, or even hemorrhoids, anti-inflammatory compounds can soothe these conditions and increase your quality of life.             Goldenberries are also able to prevent Inflammation of the arteries and blood vessels, which can be very dangerous for the cardiovascular system and lead to the development of atherosclerosis heart disease. it effectively lowers blood pressure as well, which further decreases the symptoms of hypertension and gives relief to your heart.

Although the exact pathway for this benefits aren't completely understood, goldenberries have also been associated with a reduction in liver scarring and a reversal of liver degradation. Furthermore, goldenberries are linked to optimal kidney health, helping to eliminate toxins by stimulating urination and flushing out excess fats, salts, and toxins from the lymphatic system. 


  1. The golden berry has a good proportion of pectin, which helps in calcium as well as phosphorous absorption thus good for making the bones stronger. It is also used in treating of rheumatism and dermatitis.
    Physalis Health Benefits

  2. Is there a source for buying seeds?
