The Pichuberry, also known as Physalis peruviana, is a plant that yields a small, smooth berry. In Peru it is known as aguaymanto or Inca berry.
The Pichuberry has many health benefits. It is one of the most abundant sources of vitamin C available among all fruits and plants. Its vitamin C levels reach as much as 20 times of that in an orange. It is also a powerful antioxidant and is effective in boosting immunity while restoring vitality. No wonder the Incas were so strong!
Promising studies show that Pichuberries antioxidant levels may also prevent cellular aging and the onset of cancer, all while promoting healing of wounds and some allergies. Respiratory disorders, such as asthma, are also improved due to the fruit.
I would consider the Pichuberry an anti-diabetic fruit. Pichuberries aid in reducing sugar levels in the blood and stimulating hormones that secrete insulin in diabetic patients.
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